My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Too Fat To Fly?

I saw this news story on The Today Show while I was heading out for work this morning.

It's nothing really shocking. Southwest has always had a reputation for not being fat-friendly. I've searched through blogs, list servs, groups, etc. and all of them report negative experiences with this particular airline. I think the agent could have handled it a little more delicately and followed the procedures for such a situation. However, I also see why the airlines require purchasing another seat--for safety reasons and comfort reasons.

I haven't flown anywhere since October 2010, but when I was bigger I always came prepared with a seat belt extender. Just in case the seat belt wouldn't snap into place. Yes, most airlines have seat belt extenders on the plane, but it's embarrassing to ask and I've heard they're brightly colored and make you stand out.

In addition, to avoid the situation and embarrassment, I just wouldn't fly anywhere.

Until this morning, I haven't really thought about how my experience on a plane will change. I don't have to worry about seat belt extenders or being afraid the agent will tell me I need to buy an extra seat. It makes me wanna fly somewhere, anywhere!

So, my whole opinion boils down to this: I don't think it's unfair for airlines to require some passengers to purchase an extra seat if their size encroaches another seat or may disturb the safety of the plane's operations. However, I don't care what situation it may be, it's not alright to embarrass a customer like that.

In case you are interested, the "too fat to fly" passenger has a blog: She has lost over 100 pounds.

Where should I fly to first? :-)

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