My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Monday, May 23, 2011

Did I Quit?


There’s a reason why it’s called the Never Quit 5K! It was my toughest challenge so far, but I pushed through and finished. The heat was by far the biggest obstacle. I lined up about 30 minutes early to get a decent spot and to watch the Navy Seals parachuting out of a helicopter. It was an awesome sight to see!! During the pre-race show, people were dropping from the heat and medics were being called left and right. I was already soaked in sweat before the race (I think it may have added a few pounds!). I actually finished my first mile in better time than 2 weeks ago, right under 11 minutes. The last half of the race was pure torture. The wind didn’t seem to be blowing as much and the heat was starting to wear its toll on me because the sun was more directly in my face. I couldn’t get too distracted by the peaceful sounds of the waves or the scent of the ocean, because I had to dodge landscape changes in the sand, including manmade ditches, leftover sand castles and the occasionally beachgoer lounging in his chair in the middle of the course. During the last mile, all I could think about was whether I could finish or should I just jump in the waves and let the water cool me. I felt like I was going to pass out and toward the very end, my stomach was getting sick. I thought it was a mirage, but I saw the yellow finish line in the distance. I saw the pier…I was getting closer, so why didn’t it seem like I was making progress? Alas, I eventually crossed the finish line!

After I passed the finish line, I remember seeing the silver platters of chocolate covered strawberries. I grabbed the biggest one in sight and I think I may have swallowed it whole! :-) I got my lei and then got a cold smoothie, some water and my sea turtle pendant from a Navy SEAL. After a banana and some additional water, I walked to my car, changed clothes and enjoyed the after party! I actually ran into some cool people I haven’t seen in a long time!

Next year, I expect to see some of you there with me. Although it’s a difficult race, the rush, the feeling you have after is indescribable. So, who will you never quit for? I will never quit for the half of me I’ve lost!

I ran the whole race and definitely tested my body physically and maybe even mentally. I don’t have my official time yet. I crossed the finish line in 40, but it took awhile to cross the start line, so I don’t have my official time yet. Oh well, I had fun! :-)

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