My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Monday, May 16, 2011

Heartbreak and Running

Sorry about my absence. The past week or so has been a roller coaster ride, but that's what life is, right--one crazy ride?

I absolutely hate having my heart broken. In the past, my coping skills for this type of situation would be a chocolate cookies 'n' cream explosion ice cream, double the sprinkles, and oh add some kit kats too. I refused to do it this time. Instead, I got up the next morning, and started running. I ran 4 miles and then walked 1.

During the run, I crossed paths with one of my heroes. I see him running every day along the same path (University N). He must be at least 70. I wave at him when I'm driving to work. This particular morning, though, we were running on opposite sides of the road. We gave the familiar runner's nod and we then exchanged the top-secret, for runners only, hand gesture (LOL). Then, I was about half way through the run when I heard my name. I turned around and it was one of the volunteers from my job. Interesting what you will see on a Saturday morning running.

I don't have my running log with me, so I don't know exactly where I'm at as far as mileage. I know I'm getting close to being a third completed, which is ahead of schedule.

I feel very proud of myself for taking this negative event in my life and trying to produce positive results. This week I'm going to decide on my first half excited!

Lastly, I want to thank EVERYONE for their support. I feel so loved and I'm lucky to know every one of you.

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