My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is Plus Size?

I'm still thinking about my latest clothes shopping trip. I keep on talking about "plus size." But what is exactly is it? A year ago, I had a very different definition than I do now. Back then, it was anyone who fit a certain size, let's say 14 or above. Now, as I approach (and in some clothes surpass) my given threshold, I don't know what I'm supposed to be. My perspective has changed--everything is relative.

Several weeks ago, I went dancing at a club and a guy was asking about the "skinny" chick and the "big" chick. Yes, I was the big chick, but I was dancing next to a person with a totally different body shape and yes, she was some sizes smaller than me. It didn't really bother me being called big, maybe because I now know I will always be bigger than someone. I will never be the biggest nor the smallest. Anyway, who cares what a drunk dude says at a club?!

Then, there are people who say I'm getting too small and shouldn't lose anymore weight. I think I'm still going to be losing weight. But, losing the weight is definitely not why I'm doing it. Weight is a way to measure my progress. I believe I'm meant for bigger things. I believe someday I will be a respectable and competitive athlete. I believe I can find my balance someday.

This is a learning process, in which trial and error is used many times. Some things work; some don't. This is the way it should be; I'm actually finding more and more of my balance each week. It's getting easier to stick to the healthy lifestyle and harder to revert back to the unhealthy lifestyle. Food is no longer the enemy or the hero; it's just fuel for my "well-oiled" machine called my body. :-)

Funny quote to end my post...As a patron at the library once said, there goes the "white girl with the booty!" LOL