My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Friday, October 7, 2011

One-year later...

I look back at the moment frequently. I could have easily slept in that morning or made up some excuse not to go. But, I'm so thankful that I took the big leap into the racing world on October 9, 2010.

Larissa, the runner, was born that day. She had lost 80 pounds and had gained a bit of confidence about her self-worth. It was time for her to accomplish a long-term goal: completing a 5K.

I'm pretty sure people thought I was crazy. Why is this fat girl wanting to run? I'm not entirely sure why I wanted to--guess it seemed like a fun and freeing activity. And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to prove to myself and the doubters out there that I could do it.

Reflecting back on my first 5K, I would describe it as extremely challenging. Ok, I'm not going to sugar-coat it. I was hurting and sweating like I've never hurt and sweated before. I was counting the minutes, the steps until it was over. But as I crossed the finish line, however, it was the MOST AMAZING feeling. Despite the pain, I felt great. I felt accomplished. I felt like super woman!

As I was listening to the awards presentation at the end of the race, I told myself: "Someday, you will get under 30."

It's taken me a year, but I think I'm ready. I'm ready to stake my claim at the top of this mountain.

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