My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Days 92-106

Day 93: 5.0 mi
Day 94: 3.0 mi
Day 98: 3.0 mi
Day 100: 7.0 mi (not a fluke!)
Day 101: 3.0 mi
Day 103: 0.5 mi (gotta get every bit!)
Day 106: 2.0 mi

TOTAL: 134.15 mi

This is so exciting...I will finish the first of many LJB challenges by the end of next week! 150 miles in less than 120 days! :-)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Reality has set in....

There are a lot of changes going on in my life right now, mostly positive ones! As my title says, reality has set in several ways. First, I'm actually starting to believe I can do the half marathon in November. This time last year I couldn't run a mile, well, not even a half mile. Now, I'm running 7 miles no problem! I'm realizing the sky is the limit; I can do anything I put my mind and body to. I'm starting to think about joining a recreational sports team, not sure which one yet, but I have some particular favorites. :-) Second, because of my increase in mileage, I need to buy new running shoes stat! If I can hold off to the beginning of August (like a week or so from now), I can buy some new ones. I also have to think about whether I will need to get another pair before November and whether I can break them in before GO time.

Third, for the first time in my life, I actually feel beautiful. Going on dates has helped me with this. Not to sound too conceited, but guys like looking at me. lol :-) I've always had guys who liked my physique, but I actually like it myself this time! So, slowly but surely, my confidence meter has risen to a respectable level. I am still self-conscious about some things. And this leads me to my next point. There are always going to be haters no matter your size. I think my successes have made a few jealous and envious so they nitpick on my insecurities. It hurts to a certain extent, because I have busted my ass to get where I'm at. I really challenge anyone who doubts me to follow me on my weekly training schedule and let's see who is left standing! I won't be taking a bow anytime soon! To all the doubters/haters out there, the more you nitpick, the harder I work and the better results I will obtain. THANK YOU!

All this cumulates to a huge revelation last night. I'm sorry; it's about clothes shopping again! I went to Dress Barn for the first time ever last night. I didn't know where to many clothes! So, I just started walking left to go around clockwise. One of the employees greeted me and asked if I needed any help. I told her I was just browsing and this was the first time I've ever been there. She said, "Honey, you need to go to the other side. This is the plus size over here. You need the misses section." That is the best compliment I have ever received from a stranger! I was jumping up and down inside. Did I ever expect to hear that in my lifetime? No way! Did I ever expect to wear clothes which have M's and S's in the size? No, I'd thought the X's would win. End result: I bought a Size SMALL shirt on clearance!

Enjoying life as always! :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Days 88-91

Day 88: 1.5 mi
Day 89: 1.0 mi
Day 90: 7.0 mi (Yahoo!!)
Day 91: day off

TOTAL: 110.65 mi

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Running Update! Days 53-87

I need to keep up with it more's the last few weeks (well, it's been a month lol):

Day 54: 1.0 mi
Day 55: 3.0 mi
Day 56: 3.0 mi
Day 61: 3.75 mi
Day 62: 1.5 mi
Day 63: 2.0 mi
Day 64: 1.0 mi
Day 66: 1.0 mi
Day 67: 1.0 mi
Day 69: 3.0 mi
Day 76: 3.1 mi
Day 77: 5.0 mi
Day 84: 3.0 mi
Day 87: 3.0 mi

TOTAL mileage to date: 101.15 miles....I have surpassed the 100 mile mark...just can't believe I have ran 100 miles since April...Wow!! :-)