My First

My First
October 2010, My First 5K

Monday, June 27, 2011

My path to the half marathon

This weekend has been the most amazing one ever! A year ago today, I would have never imagined I could complete a 5K, yet alone participate in a 5K tour! I’ve met so many fabulous people at all different paths in this big journey. I can’t explain this journey, because it is always evolving, it’s always changing. All I know is that it’s right for me.

When I started running, I was doing it for me. Now, I’m doing it for everyone. For everyone who has ever had a long-distant dream and have been told you can’t do it. For those who doubt themselves and for those who need an extra push.

Five months from today, I will proudly line up at the start line and listen to that familiar gun go off. On November 27, 2011, at 6:15 am I will be running alongside the Indian River at the Space Coast Half Marathon in Cocoa, Florida. I officially registered this morning!

I have a long ways to go between now and November 27. But to think how far I have came since January when I couldn’t even run a 5K straight through, I know I can do this! The most important aspect of this journey are you guys! The support has been overwhelming and it makes a difference. Thank you so much!!


  1. Rock it girl! Can't wait to hear about your finish a few months from now!

  2. That's great! And of course you can do this. I will be doing my first HM on Nov. 20th.
